Moral Revolution

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Insecurity, Pride and Past Relationship Failures

When I recall my previous relationships, I cringe because I was so immature in the way I communicated and processed my feelings. I would project my feelings and issues onto the guy I was dating, leaving me with little-to-no responsibility in any area. My insecurity and pride would always affirm that it was him who had to change to make everything better. In most recent years, God has been my relationship guide, and since giving Him room to speak and humbling myself in my current relationship, I am able to see what needs to change in me. I am able to ask for forgiveness and admit when I am in the wrong. In the past when I was hurt, anger was my first response. Now I am able to identify what the root issue is in the heat of the moment. However, I did not get here overnight and I am still in process.

Allowing a boyfriend, girlfriend, family member, or friend to speak into your life will absolutely challenge you and help you see things inside that you aren’t always aware of. I am enabling myself to mature into a more teachable, powerful, and aware woman by receiving correction from the Holy Spirit and those who love me.

Seeing my reactions, insecurities, and hurts isn’t always pretty, and the process isn’t easy, but the woman I am morphing into is the beautiful woman God has designed and created me to be. Being in relationship has exposed me to myself, like holding up an internal mirror. I am so glad that I do not have to live in deception any longer and can allow God and my boyfriend to help me to identify and fill the cracks in my foundation.

- Dawn, 24, Canada