We’ve already begun partnering with a team in Kenya who are passionate about carrying out our message and seeing Africa transformed. They have been gathering students, professionals, and ministers together while going throughout East Africa sharing on sexual wholeness.

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Our vision is to see a revolutionary shift in the world view of morals. Not simply living by a set of rules but living for a purpose. Doing life in a way that every individual understands Godly values and healthy relational choices.


To transform mindsets and promote a culture of love, honor, and respect for family and all environments. To equip people in understanding God’s original design for healthy sexuality and community.




Our conferences were created out of the need to have a society with high morals and good hygienic practice. We especially target the youth, though we engage with all ages from all walks of life.


Peer pressure, drug abuse, and unplanned pregnancies are some of the many challenges faced by parents and teachers. Our School Mission is focused on addressing these issues as we talk openly about the effects of our choices. All the while encouraging healthy values that will be foundational to a positive learning environment.


Our seminars identify with the moral needs of specific groups. We see beyond the current problem and help address the root issue to find a solution. Contact us if you would like to have a seminar in your institution or community.


Our worship experiences cultivate an environment where individuals can connect with God at a personal level, creating a deeper relationship with Him.


We hold prayer meetings every Wednesday night - not out of legalistic duty, but with a humble heart, realizing our dependence on God in every aspect of our lives.